There is No Ahhs and The Emerald Lounge is… Sapphire?

You’re out following the Yellow Brick Road, and decide to stop for the night. You pull your farmhouse off the to the side of the tornado you’ve been riding, find a nice independent hotel (a former Holiday Inn) in sleepy little Mission Viejo, make sure you didn’t accidentally park on any wicked witches, and decide it’s a good place to crash for the night. Not wanting to go back out, you decide to hit the Taco Tuesday right here in the hotel at the Emerald Lounge. Sorry, Toto. The tacos are going to taste like you’re still in Kansas, and the lounge isn’t Emerald.
To be fair, a moderately priced hotel lounge is not the place you’d expect to find great food, even by cheap Taco Tuesday standards. Hotel lounges in this price range are usually more about Continue reading Emerald Lounge (Laguna Hills) – First Review: Seeking the Wizard of Ahhs at the Emerald Lounge